Friday, January 1, 2010


I like your work, the pictures are beautiful. And you don't look for the perfect model. You work with the beauty and enhance it, not change it. Your work is great.
- Blanche Collins

I can't tell you how many compliments I've gotten on the girl's pictures! Thank you so much!!!
- Jennifer Waterhouse

You have beautiful what you do with children.
- Janel Buckingham

1 comment:

  1. Rebecca took pictures at my daughter's wedding and I was NOT at all happy with her or the photography.
    She showed up and had forgotten a back-up battery and had to leave to go get one which made her miss my daughter's preparation for her wedding.
    She also wore high-heel shoes that "clunked" when she walked around taking picutures during the ceremony. This was very distracting and unprofessional as was the top that she wore without a bra that left nothing to the imagination.
    She took the wedding party outside after the ceremony for pictures (which we were not told she was doing)which stained my daughter's wedding dress. The groom's mother and I both had to ask her to come inside to take pictures with the families of the bride and groom. Which after seeing her photography I know why she took them outside; her inside photography was not very good.
    She also was very bosy and thought she was the wedding planner and tried to tell us what order she thought the reception should be in.
    She never even looked at the list of pictures that my daughter had asked her to do.
    I would have thought that she would have offered a discount to us since she was late and missed part of the photography time that she was suppose to be there but she did not. It also took several weeks longer to get the disk than she had promised.
    I hope she has learned more people skills and how to make a bride and groom along with their families feel more comfortable and special during their special day.
